Bluetooth mouse does not connect after reboot

David Demelier demelier.david at
Wed Jan 19 18:24:07 UTC 2011

It works ! In fact I didn't need to press the connect the button, only 
moving it or clicking. It was easier than I tought. Thanks.

I'm just guessing, there is two more logical buttons in the wheel 
(backward/forward) that are not understood by bthidd.

Is this a bthidd limitation?

Input   id=2 size=1 count=1 page=Button usage=Button_7 Variable, logical 
range 0..1
Input   id=2 size=1 count=1 page=Button usage=Button_8 Variable, logical 
range 0..1
Input   id=2 size=12 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=X Variable 
Relative, logical range -2047..2047
Input   id=2 size=12 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=Y Variable 
Relative, logical range -2047..2047
Input   id=2 size=8 count=1 page=Generic_Desktop usage=Wheel Variable 
Relative, logical range -127..127
Input   id=2 size=8 count=1 page=Consumer usage=AC_Pan Variable 
Relative, logical range -127..127
End collection

I think it should be the button 7 and 8 that are not usable.


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