Bluetooth mouse does not connect after reboot

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Wed Jan 19 17:52:02 UTC 2011


> I've successfully setup a Logitech v470 mouse using bthidd / hcsecd. The
> problem is each time /var/db/bthidd.hids is created the mouse does not
> connect anymore and if I remove this file and restart bthidd it works, thing
> which is quite boring.

few things:

-- could you please let us know which freebsd version you are running on?

-- i assume you have (at least)


in you /etc/rc.conf, right? just checking :)

-- i also assume that you have successfully paired your mouse, and,
link key was properly generated. please check /var/db/hcsecd.keys

> In hcsecd.conf I have :
> device {
>        bdaddr  00:1f:20:0f:62:31;
>        name    "Logitech V470";
>        key     nokey;
>        pin     "0000";
> }

this looks fine to me. i would just check and make sure that link key
was generated and being used.

> and in bthidd.conf :
> device {
>        bdaddr                  00:1f:20:0f:62:31;
>        control_psm             0x11;
>        interrupt_psm           0x13;
>        reconnect_initiate      true;
>        battery_power           true;
>        normally_connectable    false;


this looks fine to me. one thing is that your mouse claims
"reconnect_initiate true;". it means that as soon as device is "known"
to bthidd(8), connection should be originated from the device's (i.e.
mouse) side. so, when you reboot/restart bthidd(8), and, device is
mentioned in the /var/db/bthidd.hids (meaning its not the first time
we heard about this device), bthidd(8) will wait for the device to
initiate the connection. usually moving the mouse or pressing a button
will wake mouse and make it initiate the connection.

i guess there are two possible cases here

1) after reboot (or bthidd(8) restart) your mouse is not attempting to
initiate connection as it claims to;


2) after reboot (or bthidd(8) restart) your mouse is trying to
initiate connection, but, its failing for some reason;

> If you have any clue how to fix this. Thanks.

could you please install hcidump from ports (comms/hcidump) and try to
see what it going on. basically

1) reboot (or restart bthidd(8))

2) run hcidump

3) try to wiggle your mouse and/or pressing a button to see if mouse
is trying to open a connection;

if mouse IS trying to open then please create binary hcidump (with -w
option) and send it to me.

if mouse is NOT trying to open a connection, then you can try to edit
you bthidd.conf and change "reconnect_initiate" to "false"'. that
should make bthidd(8) to open connection.


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