USB2: ng_ubt2 patch

M. Warner Losh imp at
Mon Jan 19 17:24:12 PST 2009

In message: <bb4a86c70901191421p55bb5404u484f9615b00cf30d at>
            Maksim Yevmenkin <maksim.yevmenkin at> writes:
: do i
: 1) commit it to head myself
: or
: 2) wait for you commit it into your cvs/scv/p4/etc. branch and then
: merge it into -head

The answer really should be #1.  We've got to have the barriers for
entry into usb2 be relatively low.  Since you've talked to Hans-Peter
Selasky about this change, and he's basically signed off on it, you
should be good to go...


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