correct steps to put data on the phone

Zoran Kolic zkolic at
Mon Nov 12 09:03:24 PST 2007

Must to confess that I'm impressed with bluetooth in
connecting different sort of devices. Such a nice toy
as usb dongle I had not for a long time.
I might need some advice for putting files from desk-
top box to nokia phone with memory card. I found that
loading ng_ubt gives enough magic to load further usb
part and all necessary netgraph modules. Dongle is
gigabyte bt03d and is recognized by the module. After
giving /etc/rc.bluetooth script 555 privs, I could
start/stop the stack. Reading along manual, I learnt
that hcsecd should handle pairing of dongle and the
phone. Is it a necessary step for the task I have in
mind? I suppose I need paired devices to even think
about it. Is it enough to start usage of obexapp? And
finally, should I find the channel to operate on? If
I get it right, flag has to be "-C IrMC". Or FTRN?
Manual says app will find the correct channel just
giving it the protocol.
Do I need something more than this:
  kldload ng_ubt
  input dongle
  /etc/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
  obexapp -a bluetooth_address -C IrMC
If I missed something important, please let me know.
Not to forget, firewall should be set to handle this
interaction. I use ipfw as stateful. If desktop starts
the session, it will go like a charm. If the phone
has to query, I must know the port to connect to. Any
advice about configuration for this service?
Best regards


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