Bluetooth mouse breaks on -current

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Tue Oct 4 10:30:21 PDT 2005



>>> It's back at it again.  About 10-15 minutes into a buildworld, I 
>>> started losing my mouse.  If I hit a button on the mouse, it would 
>>> come back (it was just losing the connection, as if the mouse went to 
>>> sleep, or had low batteries).  I did that a few times, until it 
>>> finally stopped working altogether.  I swapped batteries thinking 
>>> this was the problem, however the batteries were pretty fresh still, 
>>> but the new batts did not make a difference.


>>> I noticed in /var/log/messages:
>>> [beginning of problems]
>>> Oct  1 19:58:41 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed interrupt connection
>>> Oct  1 19:58:42 neutrino kernel: ng_l2cap_process_discon_req: 
>>> ubt0l2cap - unexpected L2CAP_DisconnectReq message. Channel does not 
>>> exist, cid=107
>>> Oct  1 20:01:03 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:01:03 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:09:47 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:09:48 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:09:48 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:14 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:15:14 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:14 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:22 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:15:22 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:22 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:34 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:15:34 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:34 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:40 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:15:41 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:15:41 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:16:08 neutrino bthidd[603]: Remote device 00:0c:55:01:bf:39 
>>> has closed control connection
>>> Oct  1 20:30:27 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted control connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:30:27 neutrino bthidd[603]: Accepted interrupt connection 
>>> from 00:0c:55:01:bf:39
>>> Oct  1 20:54:50 neutrino kernel: kbd1 at vkbd1

this looks like the mouse is loosing the connection and trying to 

>>> [died completely at that vkbd message]
>>> Oct  1 21:01:16 neutrino su: anderson to root on /dev/ttyp2
>>> Oct  1 21:06:22 neutrino kernel: ng_hci_process_command_timeout: 
>>> ubt0hci - unable to complete HCI command OGF=0x1, OCF=0x1. Timeout
>>> Oct  1 21:06:22 neutrino kernel: ubt_request_complete2: ubt0 - 
>>> Control request failed. TIMEOUT (15)
>>> Oct  1 21:07:39 neutrino kernel: ng_hci_process_command_timeout: 
>>> ubt0hci - unable to complete HCI command OGF=0x3, OCF=0x3. Timeout
>>> Oct  1 21:07:39 neutrino kernel: ubt_request_complete2: ubt0 - 
>>> Control request failed. TIMEOUT (15)

this is bad. something screwed up at usb level. basically we are trying 
to send commands to the local device (not mouse) and it does not respond.

what is the model/make of the local bluetooth device (not mouse)?

was buildworld still running?

if buildworld was running can you tell what the load was?

what scheduler are you using BSD or ULE?

are you running with WITNESS enabled?

also how fast is the cpu on your machine?

>>> [those were me trying to do commands to find my own bd_addr so I 
>>> could follow your instructions on what to do next, but I kept getting 
>>> timeouts]
>>> Oct  1 21:08:34 neutrino bthidd[13548]: Got signal 15, total number 
>>> of signals 1
>>> [so then I killed bthidd]
>>> Oct  1 21:09:33 neutrino kernel: ubt0: detached

ok, this is really bad. usb device should not just detach by itself 
(unless you pull it out).

>>> [and tried unloading the modules so I could reload them]
>>> The next step was a 'kldunload vkbd' which caused an instant reboot 
>>> of my system.

ok, i will look into this.

>>> Here's a typescript from what I was doing - it's truncated at the 
>>> bottom because (I believe) it had not synced the blocks to disk 
>>> before the instant reboot:

it somewhat hard to read :(

>>> hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
>>> Remote BD_ADDR    Handle Type Mode Role Encrypt Pending Queue State
>>> mouse                 42  ACL    2 MAST    NONE       2     0 OPEN

hmm... local device thinks that it still has connection to the mouse

>>> l2control -a hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry
>>> l2control: hccontrol: Unknown host

?? i'm not really sure what were you trying to do here. to read BD_ADDR 
of local device just do

hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_bd_addr

>>> [ 21:06:52 root at neutrino 
>>> ~/bt ]# -su: btcontrol: command not found
>>> bash: -su:: command not found


>>> [ 21:06:52 root at neutrino 
>>> ~/bt ]# [ 20:56:00 root at neutrino ~/bt ]# 
>>> hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
>>> bash: [: missing `]'


>>> hccontrol -n ubto0hci inquiry
>>> Could not execute command "inquiry". Operation timed out

seems like typo. 'ubto0hci' instead of 'ubt0hci'

>>> /etc/rc.bluetooth stop
>>> Usage:
>>>   /etc/rc.bluetooth start device
>>> or
>>>   /etc/rc.bluetooth stop device


>>> /etc/rc.bluetooth stop ubt0
>>> /etc/rc.bluetooth stop ubt0

why issue the command twice?

>>> /etc/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
>>> Could not execute command "reset". Operation timed out

this usually mean that communication between local bluetooth device and 
the local stack is broken. it could be that local device already 
detached it self (as shown in your /var/log/messages).

>>> kldstat
>>> Id Refs Address    Size     Name
>>>  1   37 0xc0400000 4e3420   kernel
>>>  2    1 0xc08e4000 56c8     vesa.ko
>>>  3    2 0xc08ea000 1c6c8    linux.ko
>>>  4    1 0xc0907000 5e28     snd_ich.ko
>>>  5    2 0xc090d000 244e0    sound.ko
>>>  6    7 0xc0932000 22258    usb.ko
>>>  7    1 0xc0955000 5df8     ugen.ko
>>>  8    1 0xc095b000 4098     ums.ko
>>>  9    1 0xc0960000 7a38     umass.ko
>>> 10    1 0xc0968000 4344     acpi_video.ko
>>> 11    1 0xc096d000 1e530    radeon.ko
>>> 12    2 0xc098c000 10eec    drm.ko
>>> 13    1 0xc099d000 2720     acpi_sony.ko
>>> 14    1 0xc09a0000 2d90     wlan_wep.ko
>>> 15    1 0xc09a3000 942c     cpufreq.ko
>>> 16    6 0xc09ad000 d900     netgraph.ko
>>> 17    1 0xc09bb000 80c4     ng_ubt.ko
>>> 18    1 0xc09c4000 68cc     vkbd.ko
>>> 19    1 0xc2718000 6000     linprocfs.ko
>>> 20    4 0xc2a34000 2000     ng_bluetooth.ko
>>> 21    1 0xc2a36000 d000     ng_hci.ko
>>> 22    1 0xc2a43000 10000    ng_l2cap.ko
>>> 23    1 0xc2a5c000 19000    ng_btsocket.ko
>>> 24    1 0xc2a77000 4000     ng_socket.ko
>>> 25    1 0xc6cb8000 5000     geom_label.ko

that looks fine

>>> kldunload ng_socket
>>> kldunload: can't unload file: Device busy

 >>> kldunload  ng_btsocket
 >>> kldunload: can't unload file: Device busy

you can not unload ng_{k,bt}socket modules. freebsd does not yet allow 
to unload protocol families.

the rest of the script is not very interesting. basically, you do not 
have to kldunload/kldload modules. just rc.bluetooth stop/start should 
be enough to reset stack to its default state.

>>> And now, even after reboot, I can no longer see by bluetooth mouse.

strange. does BD_ADDR of the mouse appears in /var/db/bthidd.hids file? 
if yes, then do

1) bthidcontrol -a BD_ADDR_of_the_mouse forget
2) press 'connect' button on your mouse
3) restart bthidd(8)

note: depending on your mouse you may or may not need to run hcsecd(8). 
if your mouse requires authentication please look at mouse manual for 
pin code etc.

> I'm trying a different bluetooth mouse now, just in case.

i doubt mouse is the problem

> However, I see this in my dmesg output, when I can't use bluetooth:
> ng_hci_process_command_timeout: ubt0hci - unable to complete HCI command 
> OGF=0x3, OCF=0x3. Timeout
> Can you give me a clue as to what that is really telling me?

the line above tells you that host (freebsd) tried to send hci command 
with OGF=0x3 (group field) and OCF=0x3 (command field) to the bluetooth 
device ubt0 via ubt0hci netgraph node and this request has timed out.

hci command with OGF=0x3 (group field) and OCF=0x3 means "Reset" which 
is the first command rc.bluetooth script will send to the device. 
possible reasons for timeout:

1) device is not present
2) communication between device and the host is broken (at usb level)
3) stack was not setup correctly

you can run

# ngctl li

to see what netgraph nodes are present and if they are connected. for 
example, on my system

# ngctl li
There are 7 total nodes:
   Name: ngctl19807      Type: socket          ID: 00000023   Num hooks: 0
   Name: ubt0l2cap       Type: l2cap           ID: 0000001d   Num hooks: 3
   Name: ubt0hci         Type: hci             ID: 00000019   Num hooks: 3
   Name: ubt0            Type: ubt             ID: 00000015   Num hooks: 1
   Name: btsock_l2c      Type: btsock_l2c      ID: 00000005   Num hooks: 1
   Name: btsock_l2c_raw  Type: btsock_l2c_raw  ID: 00000004   Num hooks: 1
   Name: btsock_hci_raw  Type: btsock_hci_raw  ID: 00000003   Num hooks: 1

"ubt0" node (type ubt) is the device driver node. if you see "num hooks" 
  set to 1 then node is connected to the stack.

"ubt0hci" node (type hci) is the hci node for ubt0 device. if you see 
"num hooks" set to 3 then everything should be fine.

"ubt0l2cap" is similar to "ubt0hci" except its l2cap node.

so far, the only thing i see is that communication between bluetooth 
device and the host was broken. at this point, i can not tell exactly 
why this happened. the only thing i can suggest is to run

# hcidump -w dump.file

while doing buildword and using bluetooth mouse. then when things start 
to go bad terminate hcidump and send me dump.file


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