Nokia Bluetooth Sync

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Tue Jul 5 23:22:37 GMT 2005


> I just purchased a nokia 6230 Cellphone with bluetooth and I've been
> playing with it on FreeBSD.  So far I have sent files both ways with
> OBEX and I tried out the DUN profile which my phone seems to support.
> When I ran rfcomm_pppd in client phone I got my phone to respond with
> the error message, "You must first subscribe to GPRS."  I'm assuming
> that just means I haven't set it up with my provider yet.  Though I am

well, yes. basically you need to call your provider and tell them you 
want gprs data access. be careful: you really want "ip over gprs" not 
"wap over gprs". for example t-mobile usa calls their "wap over gprs" 
plan t-zones. that is not what you want. you can only use "wap over 
gprs" on your phone.

you could still make a csd (circuit switched data) call, i.e. like 
regular modem does if you replace gprs number "#99" with real phone 
number of dial-up access point, but this will be slow (9600) and will 
come out of your minutes.

> at a loss as to how to get bluetooth Sync to work with my nokia phone.
> That's the biggest feature I am wanting with bluetooth so I can keep my
> addressbook properly backed up to my pc.  I took a look at it on windows
> and it seems to establish an rfcomm port to use for the pc suite
> software that came with the phone, however I haven't gotten it to work
> yet.

well, that is another thing about nokia phones. you get get access to 
the phonebook with obex :( (or at least i do not know any way of doing 
it). the only way is to "push" entire phonebook to the pc that runs 
obexapp in server mode.

> Would the nokia phone use some kind of standard like the sync protocol
> with pilot-link and pdas or would it need to be reverse engineered from
> scratch to get it to work?

gnokii or gammu from ports use "at" commands to do various things. it is 
possible to get phonebook with "at" commands.


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