head -r365677 and later do not have the xhci related DMA problem fixed

tech-lists tech-lists at zyxst.net
Fri Sep 25 06:34:51 UTC 2020


On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 05:53:06PM -0700, Mark Millard via freebsd-arm wrote:

>So far I'm unable to figure out how to have a u-boot environment
>that boots the RPi4B's: figuring out what needs to be different
>than the rather modern raspberry pi files that I have in place.
>Also: fully modern eeprom content. As stands I've not been using
>a microsd card at all: it uses the msdos file system from the

Mine *will* boot, even after the eeprom upgrade. What it won't do (what was
always the case) is boot after I modify config.txt in any way at all.

I used these files, and the last time I made a working image I used

mount the msdos partition,

replace u-boot.bin, fixup4.dat, start4.elf

wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/rpi4-8gbram-boot-fbsdonly/files/u-boot.bin/download
-O u-boot.bin

fetch https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/raw/1.20200717/boot/fixup4.dat
fetch https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/raw/1.20200717/boot/start4.elf

unmount the partition

it should boot.

>It hangs with the rainbow screen up and having reported starting
>start4.elf in every attempt that I've made. As near as I can
>tell the overall behavior matches what tech-lists at zyxst.net
>has been reporting.

I am using the same image (subsequently rebuilt world, kernel so it's at
r365898 now), I took out this sdcard, wrote raspios-64bit to another one, 
updated the eeprom, put back the freebsd card. It boots, just can't touch 
config.txt or or I get the raspberry problem (happened before the eeprom upgrade), 
if I try the different start4.elf & fixup4.dat, I get the rainbow screen.

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