aarch64 pkg build seems broken/hanging

Philip Paeps philip at freebsd.org
Mon Nov 30 05:30:42 UTC 2020

On 2020-11-01 19:28:24 (+0800), Ronald Klop wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Sep 2020 16:20:39 +0200, Kurt Jaeger <pi at opsec.eu> wrote:
>>> Sorry, but this is not a portmgr@ issue, this is a clusteradm@ 
>>> issue.
>> philip@ (with clusteradm@ hat) checked the issue and explained the
>> cause of the problem:
>> The thunderx hardware currently in use in the cluster is a very early
>> version and has stability issues. A replacement is @work.
> I don't want to be pushing the issue, but do you have some information 
> about the progress of the aarch64 hardware issues?

The new aarch64 systems arrived at the data centre on Friday (local 
time) and were installed and configured in the cluster yesterday (my 
time).  They'll start running builds soon.  Packages will start 
appearing on the mirrors shortly after.

Steady progress...


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises

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