tmp and tmpfs

tech-lists tech-lists at
Wed Nov 18 23:22:38 UTC 2020

On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 07:25:19AM +0000, Robert Crowston wrote:
>Itâll be significantly faster in memory, it depends if you want to
>spare the ram.
>How many temporary files do you have?


I'm not sure ;)

I'm not even sure how much space I'll need. Think I'll just have 
to test and see. The pi4 isn't used for xorg at all, though things 
like mutt and imapsync might use tmp a lot. On a desktop running 
kf5-plasma/firefox and all the trimmings, tmp stands at 8.1GB
and the system was rebooted only a couple days ago. The pi4
has just finished building world/kernel and tmp is 282k.

Maybe set it to 1GB. I was wondering really if memory pressure 
pushes this to swap, if there would be slowdown more significant 
overall than if /tmp was just on zfs
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