[arm64][bhyve] Hypervisor implementation proposal

Peter Grehan grehan at freebsd.org
Mon Nov 9 09:37:13 UTC 2020

Hi Andrei,

> The UPB team made a revision for the bhyve on arm/arm64 on phabricator[1].
> Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
> [1] https://reviews.freebsd.org/D26976 <https://reviews.freebsd.org/D26976>

  Thanks for putting up the review: that is a sizeable amount of work.

  I'd suggest removing 32-bit host support from the review to reduce the 
size. Note that Linux/KVM has dropped 32-bit host support (see the 
thread at 
and the same reasons would apply to FreeBSD.
    If there is interest it could be resurrected at a later time.

  The MI/MD split could be done independently of this. It has been 
talked about for a long while, so I'll commit to doing this in the 
existing amd64 codebase. The ARM work could then be rebased into that.

  Also, any host platform support, such as the ARM simulator or 
EspressoBin, could be split out since it's independent of the hypervisor 



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