Add Support for Radxa RockPi E

Furkan Salman furkan at
Wed Jun 24 14:12:30 UTC 2020


I was able to boot FreeBSD on Radxa RockPi E over emmc with the help of Sergey (sl199pwa1k9r).
Details of the device can be found here It have removable emmc.

Boot Logs:

Things not working yet:

RK3328 onboard Lan.

Micro-Hdmi connector (Only used for debugging and not MP)

Boot from SD Card, Pin detection fails, Was able to boot into it manually.

As per Sergey, we might need some help understanding how the Lan is working on rock64 board using onboard Lan driver.

Can anyone advice us on how can we add onboard lan driver.

Furkan K.

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