Rock64 dwc interface issues

Charles charlesr at
Mon Jun 22 09:40:03 UTC 2020

Hi gonzo,

In 100Mbit mode the interface does not respond to any arp who-is 
requests (tcpdump). So no icmp request are send nor received the rock64.
Then I tried to connect the laptop directly to the rock64 (Interface to 
interface connection 1GBit) --> Same packet lost issue as before.

The tcpdump on dwc0 interface reports:

IP truncated-ip - 16384 bytes missing

I also tried to replace the /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb against 
the Linux version (75kb size instead 54kb size FreeBSD Version) without 


Am 22.06.20 um 09:16 schrieb Oleksandr Tymoshenko:
> Charles (charlesr at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My rock64 dwc0 issues still appears.
>> I tried the
>> FreeBSD-13.0-CURRENT-arm64-aarch64-ROCK64-20200618-r362292.img.xz Image
>> without success.
>> The bad CRC sum errors still occurs.
>> To make sure that the hardware is not defect, I tried a Linux distro.
>> (armbian) and with Linux I did't had any network issues/errors with the
>> rock64 ethernet interface (was able to login via ssh).
>> I also tried OpenBSD 6.7 and got interface issues like with FreeBSD.
> Hi Charles,
> Could you try 100MB connection? Either connect the Rock64 to 100Mb
> switch or connect it to the FreeBSD box directly and on the box's side
> run this command:
>   ifconfig IFACENAME media 100baseT mediaopt full-duplex
> I wonder if link speed makes any difference.
> This looks suspiciously like a problem I had with RK339, where
> tx_delay/rx_delay was not set properly. And if I read the code
> correctly, our driver does not set those values yet.

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