Report: FreeBSD on Rpi4 8 GB model

Klaus Küchemann maciphone2 at
Sat Jun 6 18:41:25 UTC 2020

Thanks Robert,
can I or can you transfer your information into the wiki?
My 8GB model was not bootable under UEFI.
I didn't know that u-boot had a current patch.
Could you provide a u-boot binary and/or your modified armstub8-gic.bin for the wiki?
I could upload that to a server and make it available for download .
Do you know whether sysutils/u-boot.xx- port(not pkg)  could be targeted to 2020.07 
to fix any issue with u-boot?
Afaik u-boot 2020.07 has new patches for genet and  pcie(!)… do you know details about that?

> Am 06.06.2020 um 20:15 schrieb Robert Crowston via freebsd-arm <freebsd-arm at>:
> What works:
> - FreeBSD SMP (see below)
> - All 8 GB of memory (less video RAM).
> What does not work on the 8 GB model (but does work on the 4 GB model):
> - xhci (with my driver, there has been a change in the way the firmware is loaded)
> - ethernet (genet0 is detected fine, appears to be up, but no packets go over the interface)
> - JTAG debugging (urgh)
> dmesg:
> You will need the latest u-boot. The one in pkg doesn't work. I compiled from head:
> For SMP, you need also need to tell u-boot not to clobber over our processor start up function set up by armstub8-gic.bin.
> Edit board/raspberrypi/rpi/Kconfig, set RPI_EFI_NR_SPIN_PAGES to a larger number (I picked 10, probably too big, but it was easier than doing the arithmetic).
> $ CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- gmake rpi_4_defconfig
> $ CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- gmake
> Overwrite the u-boot.bin file on your sdcard with the one just built.
> You will also need the latest versions of the pi4 firmware files on your MSDOS partition, bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb, fixup4.dat, start4.elf, and the overlays/ directory.
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