Ssh sessions running top keep disconnecting

Mark Millard marklmi at
Thu Jun 4 02:39:49 UTC 2020

On 2020-Jun-3, at 19:02, bob prohaska <fbsd at> wrote:

> For some reason, ssh sessions running top seem to be quitting
> with
> packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
> I'm in the habit of leaving an ssh session running top going on
> machines running long jobs like world or port builds. On my Pi3
> running 12.1-stable those sessions keep disconnecting. No other
> ssh sessions, among the four open, seem to be affected.
> The client is a Pi3b+ running raspberry pi os. It has a dozen
> or so ssh sessions open, no others are affected.
> Any ideas what might be going on?

No clue. But a possible kind of experiment . . .

top keeps its ssh connection in use on a rather
frequent basis, even if the mount of traffic is
not large.

Try having some other ssh session into the 12.1
Stable FreeBSD system that also keeps its ssh
connection in use on a rather frequent basis.
Does it get the same issue as the top sessions
do? (Need not be at the same times but if the
times were near each other for failures that
might indicate something.)

Of course, it may be that some of your other ssh
connections to the same system already do this
test --or it may be they all rarely put their
connection to use (compared to top).

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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