pinebook pro

Russell L. Carter rcarter at
Mon Jan 20 00:31:40 UTC 2020


This is a beautiful throwaway-able laptop (think country borders), I
am very impressed with my $323 all in device.

So if I'm reading the messages to this list so far correctly, there's
no way to install FreeBSD stable/current to the pinebook pro eMMC?

I will note that linux is sorta suck0rs here: you can install
debian-testing but the testing (bullseye) mali-midgard-dkms drivers
aren't patched past linux-4.1(something).  You can install
firefox-esr...  but it crashes, illegal instruction.
isn't exactly on the job yet either.

So... what has to happen to get current/stable booting on the eMMC?
Can I help? (motivated owner).


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