Lethargic rpi3, but seemingly still running

Stefan Parvu sparvu at kronometrix.org
Sun Jul 21 04:26:06 UTC 2019

> I'm playing with an RPI3 running -current at r349989 and trying to build
> a port (firefox) with the ports tree at (....long delay to svnlite info
> command.....) 506825 using portmaster under the portmaster-devel script.
> The system is still running and mostly idle, as reported by top:

If you plan to use this system for some time and you want to see and check its usage and 
performance, you might want to give a try to Kronometrix (data recording + analytics included). 
We support ARMv8, FreeBSD and we have built applications designed for performance and 
operational availability which might help you in long run to understand how your system works.

* Open your account kronometrix.io <http://kronometrix.io/> 

* Create a new Computer Performance subscription and provision a FreeBSD 12 system

Or of course you can manually install the data recording package [1] and use data recorders
interactively or automatic as you want.

[1] - https://gitlab.com/kronometrix/recording


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