Rasclock (PCF2127 ) Hardware Clock FreeBSD 12.0

Stefan Parvu sparvu at kronometrix.org
Fri Jul 19 09:41:00 UTC 2019

> The time couldn't have been correct from the RTC if it said the clock
> was not running -- the driver says that instead of returning a time to
> the kernel.  Ntpd must have already set the time before you checked it.

Thats correct. Tests were done incorrectly. The power cable was not removed
the board still had power. 

I have repected fresh all tests. Now, very strange everything is fine. I cant explain
what has happened except:

 * kldunload / load nxprtc 
 * creating a new hints file 

 * removing and re-inserting the battery 

I have powered off the board for 2hrs and the time functions correctly. I will soon
setup another RBPI board and re-test all over with the new ko module. 


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