FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE and 11.2-RELEASE images fail to boot on BeagleBone Black

Greg V greg at
Sun Jul 14 00:49:28 UTC 2019

On July 13, 2019 9:27:50 PM GMT+03:00, Dennis Clarke <dclarke at> wrote:
>I am curious if anyone has ever tried out the ASUS Tinkerboard ?

No. It won't really work. There are no drivers for the RK3288 SoC.

As already mentioned on the mailing list recently: non-commercial/enthusiast developers have very little interest in 32-bit (armv7) systems, because 64-bit (aarch64) exists. Rockchip's newer 64-bit series (RK3328/RK3399) does have some support, in fact I did the initial (hacky) bringup of the 3399 and got USB to work (a patch for that is on phabricator).

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