FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE and 11.2-RELEASE images fail to boot on BeagleBone Black

Sergey Manucharian sm at
Sat Jul 13 19:43:08 UTC 2019

Excerpts from Ian Lepore's message from Sat 13-Jul-19 11:39:
> I'm able to boot the most recent 12-stable snapshot on beaglebone
> black... 
> But there are some long timeout delays on ti_sdhci1 as it boots.

Yes, 12.0 works fine. Also, after booted off an SD card, the image can be
dd-ed to the eMMC: perfectly works without SD card (except of spitting out
hundreds lot of meaningless messages:
Card did not respond to voltage select! )

I think, the difference with the previous images (11.x) is the fact that
u-boot is using EFI and it's a mainline u-boot, whilst the old images used
one specially tailored for FreeBSD.


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