raspberry pi 4

Dennis Clarke dclarke at blastwave.org
Thu Jul 11 23:01:36 UTC 2019

> The other arm32 things basically range from "supported, but not much
> ongoing activity" to "nobody has touched it for years, hard to call it
> supported".

Then there is the tinkerboard from ASUS. I have to wonder why a massive
big name manufacturer has not simply gone all the way to 64-bit with
multiple cores and more memory or even real memory slots for DDR4. ECC
is just a dream. Regardless, I have not seen much work with the ASUS
tinkerboard and it is just a really pretty rpi type clone.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

ps: RISC-V rv64imafdc is a whole other kettle of fish

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