raspberry pi 4

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Wed Jul 10 00:58:55 UTC 2019

On 7/9/2019 19:52, Denis Polygalov wrote:
> OMG,
> people please please don't be fooled by RPi 3 or 4 or 44...
> It is not in my or anyone's power to decide what FreeBSD arm community work on
> but please let's enhance support of the good OS (FreeBSD)
> on a *good* boards. Let's leave disaster OS to people who want
> to fight with nasty bugs...
> ROCK64 was released a year ago and it is better than RPi 4 now.
> ROCKPro64 even more better and have PCIExpress slot - unique
> and most desirable feature on ARM boards. Also RTC clock
> and battery connector for it.
> Here is also independend opinion:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0diTHAmVbhc
> Apologize in advance for the off-topic.
> Also, I have nothing to do with ROCK64 makers,
> I just bought one of them while ago and tried to
> boot FreeBSD on it without success and it is sad
> to see people who can actually fix it to spend
> time with objectively worse hardware just due to hype
> around it.
> Regards,
> Denis Polygalov.
Uh, wait -- that one won't boot FreeBSD at present either, right?
Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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