[BBB] nanobsd boot stuck

Manuel Stühn freebsdnewbie at freenet.de
Tue Jan 1 10:46:06 UTC 2019

a freshly built nanobsd RELEASE-12.0-p1 for Beaglebone Black does not 
boot further than the line
"Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/mmcsd0s2a [ro]"

I've tried to track this further down and the findings are

1. booting into single user mode works. When I boot into single user 
mode and exit from there, the BBB continues its boot into multiuser 
without any further problems. I'm able to login and have all my programs 

2. setting "set -x" in /etc/rc to extend verbosity. After setting, i can 
see that the boot stops at line 62 of rc which says:

dlv=`/sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid 2> /dev/null`

I altered this line to 

dlv=`/bin/echo "0"`

but it still stops at that line. Using the builtin sh-echo instead of 
the binary one ( dlv=`echo "0"` ) the boot continues until:

sh /etc/rc.initdiskless

After commenting this whole "diskless" section out, the boot continues 
by sourcing rc.subr and stops in the function load_rc_config() executing 
this line:

[ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]

3. using different SD-Cards containing the nanobsd image makes no 
difference.  All cards show same behavior described above. 

4. regular FreeBSD Image (non-nanobsd) does boot correctly.

I do not have a clue how to further debug this. Since the 
single-user-mode works, it seems to me that the installation as such is 
not entirely broken, but there is some hickup in the init procedure.

Any ideas?



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