Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint for RPI3 with keyboard and mouse

bob prohaska fbsd at www.zefox.net
Wed Oct 3 17:36:28 UTC 2018

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 06:19:30PM -0700, bob prohaska wrote:
> As a final test, I unplugged the PL2303 USB-serial adapter which
> had been in place throughout (I'd forgotten about it). On reboot
> the  video console emitted sporadic non-latin characters and
> didn't progress past loader, far as I can tell.
> Output on the Pi3's serial console turned to complete gobbldygook,
> mostly unprintable with a few latin characters sprinkled in.

I'd forgotten that the PL2303's connector shell provided local ground
for the serial console signals. The intention was to eliminate ground
loops in the chain of serial connections. Using the ground pin next to
the Pi3's UART pins restored normal serial console operation.

Repeating the boot test with _only_ Dell keyboard/hub and mouse (no other USB
devices and no monitor) connected repeated the former problem  with 

Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
OK ;21;150tTimeout poll on interrupt endpoint
Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint
Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint
Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint
Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint

It looks like the system got to the loader and is stuck there.
If I type "boot" just right (quickly, and perhaps at the right
time) on the serial console the machine comes up to multi-user.

If I unplug the mouse from the keyboard's hub and power-cycle
the pattern repeats as with the mouse connected. The caps lock
light on the USB keyboard does not seem active, evidently the
keyboard isn't recognized at this point. 

With the Dell keyboard/hub  connected the machine hasn't (this morning)
booted past the loader. That's different from last night, likely 
attributable to the lack of grounding on the serial console signals.  
With a laptop-sized Mac-compatible keyboard (no hub) the machine comes up
multi-user without error messages, recognizing the keyboard with
ukbd0 on uhub1
ukbd0: <vendor 0x04d9 USB Keyboard, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.01, addr 4> on usbus0
kbd1 at ukbd0

Using a full size genuine Apple Mac keyboard with internal hub the machine
boots without issue, reporting
ugen0.4: <Mitsumi Electric Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard> at usbus0
uhub2 on uhub1
uhub2: <Mitsumi Electric Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard, class 9/0, rev 1.10/4.20, addr 4> on usbus0
uhub2: 3 ports with 2 removable, bus powered
ugen0.5: <Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard> at usbus0
ukbd0 on uhub2
ukbd0: <Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard, class 0/0, rev 1.10/4.20, addr 5> on usbus0
kbd1 at ukbd0
Connecting an Amazon Essentials USB3.0 powered hub and power cycling reported
no errors. Connecting the laptop-sized Mac-compatible keyboard (which worked
on its own) to the hub and power cycling caused the console to report

ue0: <USB Ethernet> on smsc0
ue0: Ethernet address: b8:27:eb:ba:68:d5
ugen0.4: <VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub> at usbus0
uhub2 on uhub1
uhub2: <VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub, class 9/0, rev 2.10/90.70, addr 4> on usbus0
uhub2: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
usb_alloc_device: set address 5 failed (USB_ERR_IOERROR, ignored)
usbd_setup_device_desc: getting device descriptor at addr 5 failed, USB_ERR_IOERROR
usbd_req_re_enumerate: addr=5, set address failed! (USB_ERR_IOERROR, ignored)
Release APs...done

It looks like hubs mixed with keyboards sometimes spell trouble, sometimes not.

Apologies for the length, thanks for reading.

bob prohaska

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