svn commit: r324822 - head/sys/modules/dtb/allwinner [removal of sinovoip-bpi-m3.dts from sys/modules/dtb/allwinner/Makefile DTS list]

Mark Millard markmi at
Sat Oct 21 23:09:50 UTC 2017

On 2017-Oct-21, at 2:06 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

> On 2017-Oct-21, at 11:43 AM, Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> wrote:
>> On Sat, 21 Oct 2017 11:26:57 -0700
>> Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
>>> On 2017-Oct-21, at 10:58 AM, Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> wrote:
>>>>>> . . .
>>> If I understand the current status correctly, the
>>> recent changes to use upstream DTS materials took
>>> the BPI-M3 from having, e.g., USB working to USB
>>> not working. -r323641 removed AWUSBPHY_TYPE_A83T
>>> from enum awusbphy_type because of what was missing
>>> from upstream DTS materials and such.
>> Uses of upstream DTS is active since ~2 years ago.
>> I think I removed support for USB on A83T because I couldn't test, but
>> maybe the code just work and adding the compatible string again might
>> do it. Feel free to send a patch on phabricator if it does.
> . . .

Note: My "normal" environment (such as /usr/src/ )
is currently at head -r324743 . That is what I'm
comparing -r317015 to for now.

I've started by seeing what if anything
changed in .dt* files. Unfortunately I
ran into changes in .dt* files used for
bpi-m3 since -r317015 (indirect via
#includes). At issue are at least:

#include "sunxi-common-regulators.dtsi"


#include "sun8i-a83t.dtsi"

(but the last one is complicated by multiple
files with that name in different places,
one having updates and the other not).

It looks like I'll need a hint if any of the
.dt* file that I've found so far that have
differences since -r317015 have implications
about the


being sufficient or not (for example).
There might be implications for kernel
versions as well.

It might be that to have things work would
require substituting the old content into
the bpi-m3 specific files instead of
including modern. I'm not so sure anyone
that works on the code regularly would
want such a thing: They might prefer
that support be dropped for BPI-M3,
including removal of:


More detail if needed. . .



does not have differences that I've found
for bpi-m3 or a83t some gnu/dts/arm/
material that is included does:

#include "sunxi-common-regulators.dtsi"

The included file was updated in -r32130 ,
-r320834 , and -r324820 (today).

The following may have differences in the
included file:

#include "sun8i-a83t.dtsi"

Why "may"?

# find /usr/src/sys/ -name sun8i-a83t.dtsi -print

There are two files with the matching name that
might be found. I've not figured out which is
used yet.

The boot/fdt one is unchanged from -r299748
(2016-May-14 when it was created) but the gnu one
has been updated in -r32130 , -r320834 , and -r324820
(today), much like for sunxi-common-regulators.dtsi .

(I might not have traced every include that has
potential updates but the above ones probably
give a big hint at compatibility implications
for someone that knows what they are looking at.)

Mark Millard
markmi at

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