Heads up: new uboot coming today

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Mon Jul 24 14:43:19 UTC 2017

Barring any last minute unforeseen issues, I'll be committing the upgrade
of the master uboot port to 2017.07 today, thanks to the hard work of
Emmanuel Vadot. It fixes a few minor things, but also marks the move to the
freebsd github u-boot repo from my private repo.

So I thought I'd describe the organization and expected porting process.

We branch off the release point/branch in u-boot upstream master branch to
do a release. We call this branch freebsd-ports and it gets rebased from
release to release. Once we've created a branch for a release and are happy
with it, we create a new branch called ports-vYYYY.MM.00 to act as the
release point for ports and for further development. If we need fixes,
those get rolled into the freebsd-ports branch, the ports-vYYYY.MM.00
branch gets fast forwarded and we create a ports-vYYYY.MM.00.Z tag, where Z
increments from 1). On the rare occasions where there's an upstream
vYYYY.MM.01 we want to base a release off of, we create ports-vYYYY.MM.01,

We keep a ports-vYYYY.MM.00 branch on the off chance we need to move it
forward for one platform that's lagging (the infrastructure supports this,
though we try to avoid it).

ALLWINNER, BBB and iMX6 based boards are on u-boot-master. It should be
fine, but if there's issues with the new uboot, please let me know. Others
will come as soon as we can update those parts (the arm64 boards, and rPi
being the main stragglers).


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