lldb on BeagleBone Black

Dr. Rolf Jansen rj at obsigna.com
Wed Jan 11 16:31:39 UTC 2017

> Am 11.01.2017 um 13:49 schrieb Joe Nosay <superbisquit at gmail.com>:
> How much memory was/is  on the board? 512MB RAM is available.

The BeagleBone Black got 512 MB in total, of which 50 MB is configured for the tmpfs. In addition I added 1 GB of swap space. Most of the time during building devel/llvm-devel, the swap space was untouched. I looked again after the build process stopped, and then 178 MB of swap space was used.

> Are you building without Xorg?

We are talking about a headless BeagleBone Black installation. In oder to speed things up, I installed all the build dependencies of devel/llvm-devel by the way of pkg install.

   pkg install dialog4ports \
   libffi \
   readline \
   python27 \
   py27-setuptools \
   py27-Jinja \
   py27-pytz \
   py27-pystemmer \
   py27-Babel \
   py27-MarkupSafe \
   py27-snowballstemmer \
   py27-six \
   py27-sphinx_rtd_theme \
   py27-alabaster \
   py27-pygments \
   py27-docutils \
   py27-imagesize \
   py27-Jinja2 \
   py27-sphinx \
   swig13 \
   ninja \
   perl5 \
   libedit \

> Have you thought about using NFS to export from different boards to a single work area /single board? That is the binaries used would be in a jailed environment and exported to that jailed environment allowing more memory to the task. Bootstrapping works with building java for other architectures. This would allow bootstrapping from different machines into one area. You could also export the build area.

No, I did not consider this. In this scenario, on which machine is the javavm running? The javavm would consume 512 MB by its own, won't it?

> just a suggestion.

Well, first I will try building a stripped down LLVM 3.9 using an USB hard drive for the build environment.

> And, this will bounce for me; so, you will need to add it to your reply on the freebsd-arm mailing list.


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