Finally bringing FreeBSD to Parallella

Daniel Hübleitner daniel.huebleitner at
Mon Dec 26 01:06:35 UTC 2016

Merry Christmas everyone,

I am trying to port FreeBSD on the parallella board. So far I just wrote a kernel config where I included the zedboard config. I can build the world no problem. Where I ran into trouble is trying to statically compile the DTB. I have to say I dont really understand how the OS knows the driver it should use from the DTS. Furthermore there is a DTS under GPL from Xilinx itself in ../../../gnu/dts/arm/zynq-parallella.dts. How can it be that the Vendor DTS is so much different from the BSD DTS in sys/boot/fdt/dts. Shouldnt be there just one correct DTS for each board? And could it work if I just use the Vendor DTS? It looks to me that everybody just writes the DTS the way they want and due to a miracle it somehow works.

So what I´m trying to say is, would someone be interested in helping me bringing FreeBSD to the parallella micro-server. Its the first time I try to port BSD and I am doing it as part of a university project where I want to benchmark FreeBSD against Linux. 

I attached the kernel config I have so far. There are some links to the hardware in the config header.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

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