When first hooking up a cubieboard2...

John W. Kitz John.Kitz at xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 15 10:53:07 UTC 2016


<removed portion of email thread>

> > > Probably none.
> > > What the software running on the board is doing is called usb gadget 
> > > mode. It uses the OTG port to act as a device and it seems that it 
> > > act as some multiple usb disk. But this doesn't mean that the device 
> > > it's exporting match some device on the board. It could be directory 
> > > or file on the filesystem.
> > 
> > Ian,
> > 
> > The question may not have been related to running FreeBSD on a 
> > cubieboard (yet), but it did involve FreeBSD, albeit on AMD64 and a 
> > ARM board. That's why I posted it here.
> Sure it does involve FreeBSD, but FreeBSD sees whatever the attached
device claims to be.
> It claims to be 3 USB mass storage devices, so FreeBSD lists 3 USB mass
storage devices.

That was indeed my original question and both Emmanuel and you seem to
confirm my initial remarks (also refer to
in particular section 17.4.1). So thanks for that.

> But FreeBSD has no clue about what they are intended to be used for and
you can't even read them, since whatever is running on the cubieboard notes
> them as not ready.
> Unless someone on the list knows what the software delivered on the
cubieboard actually does, you won't get an answer.
> This is like plugging an USB memory stick into a FreeBSD computer and
asking on a FreeBSD list what pictures are on the stick.

True, if I had asked about the possible content, which I didn't.

> You'd better ask the person who knows about the USB stick, right?
> Well - we could tell you how to read data from the stick and try to find
out, but in this case the da devices are not ready, so even that is >

> My own guess (as in starring at my crystal ball), would be that it might
allow writing to an SD card if one would have been inserted.

Based on the information so far, I guessed that too. In which case inserting
an SD card would probably have resulted in a status change (from "NOT READY,
Medium not present" to something else) of one of the devices da0, da1 or da2
(assuming they behave as there enumeration on the FreeBSD system would
suggest). However inserting an SD card did not cause a status change. So,
unless that was caused by the SD card I used (it is an older one) at this
stage it probably isn't possible to write anything to an SD card in the SD
card slot of the board.

> No idea why it lists 3 da devices though.
> Nevertheless this could easily be done with any kind of USB card reader as
well, so nothing important after all.

Regards, Jk.

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