Cubieboard inaccessible and factory LED's on Cubieboard2.

John W. Kitz John.Kitz at
Sat Dec 10 15:02:16 UTC 2016


I know that this isn't a Cubieboard hardware forum, but I'm gonna give it a
try anyway...

1. For quite some time visiting results in this message:
"Error establishing a database connection". As far as I can see this doesn't
seem to be an actual error message, but a bit of HTML code that displays
this message. Does anybody know if the site has been taken offline
permanently or if this is only temporary until some error has been fixed or
an upgrade has been completed and the site is accessible again?

2. The cubieboard2 has several LED's on its PCB. Has anybody on this forum
tried to install a cubieboard2 in an enclosure and replace these three LED's
with one's external to the board mounted in the front panel of the

Regards, Jk.

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