Utilite support

Waschbüsch Martin martin at waschbuesch.de
Sat Nov 22 07:14:50 UTC 2014

> Am 22.11.2014 um 04:26 schrieb Ian Lepore <ian at FreeBSD.org>:
>> So how is that uboot thing handled in this case?
>> Can you go and compile uboot from the same source as for a wandboard, or
>> do we need to have different source for each of the boards?
>> As you know I do own a bunch of different iMX6 boards and I'm happy to
>> do test boots and minor tweaking (if required by readin gschematics) on
>> all of them.
> I'm trying to figure that out at this very moment.

Hm, I guess it would make sense to document these things in detail.
E.g. extend https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm or some other
appropriate place  to include info on hardware specs, used version of
uboot, links to documentation, repos, as well as status of driver
support for individual components, etc?
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