VERSATILEPB image under qemu-system-arm

Juergen Lock nox at
Sun Nov 16 07:30:13 UTC 2014

In article <546542ED.4020805 at> you write:
>I want totest ARMemulator before I buy Raspberry PI and I ran into
>following situation:
>- qemu 2.0.0 or 2.1.2
>- FreeBSD 11-CURRENT (r274409)
>- Kernel VERSATILEPB (as per quickgoogling.)
>After I fire up a command:
>qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 256M -cpu arm1176 -kernel
>FreeBSD-VERSATILEPB.flash -hda FreeBSD-armv6-11.0-VERSATILEPB-r274409.img
>I got only result which you can see at the picturehere
>Is there anything that I've missed or am I doing it wrong "from
>scratch"? It is supposed to work, at least there have been some success
>stories :-)
 I haven't tried this lately but I found this:

i.e. you probably need -global versatile_pci.broken-irq-mapping=1
passed to qemu.

 HTH, :)

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