RPI, config.txt: overscan, not working

ito egunther at warwick.net
Sun Nov 2 08:46:12 UTC 2014

Is there anyone with an idea as to how I can stop the text from spilling
off the screen.

The display is in excess of 1/2 an inch all around.



On Fri, 2014-10-31 at 13:00 -0400, ito wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have a raspberry pi, 
> 	Model B Revision 2.0 (512MB)
> which has the logo along with:
> 	Raspberry Pi 
> 	(c)2011.12 
> written on it.
> I have obtained a image for freebsd to run from here:
> ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm/armv6/ISO-IMAGES/10.0/
> I uncompressed the image on a OpenSUSE system, and used,
> sudo dd if=FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI-B-20140131-r260789.img
> of=/dev/sdd
> to put the image on a micro SD... with that card and adapter I have
> successfully boot freebsd.
> The problem I am facing now is that I am using the yellow SVGA (RCA type
> plug) cables to use an old Television as a monitor, with this setup I
> have an issue with the text running off of the screen.
> I have tried the config.txt file with 
> overscan_disable=0 
> overscan_left=20
> overscan_right=20
> overscan_top=20
> overscan_bottom=20
> added to the existing config.txt
> I have tried to load vesa:
> kldload vesa
> where I get a prompt that it does not exist.
> I looked in the kernel directory (/boot/kernel/)  and there is no vesa,
> not sure what that means.
> I am assuming that there is something that is not happening with the
> config.txt.  I saw mention of using the files here to replace the files
> on the pi;
> https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware
> SO, essentially, how do I get the text to stop from spilling off of the
> screen (command prompt-no gui).
> Thank You,
> ito

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