Call for Testers: VFP optimised float/double helper functions

Andrew Turner andrew at
Sat Jul 20 16:00:53 UTC 2013

I have been working on adding VFP versions of the ARM EABI float/double
helper functions in libc. The patch [1] is mostly ready to commit.

The patch only uses the VFP code when the VFP is enabled in the kernel,
otherwise it falls back to the softfloat code. To make use of the VFP
version of the functions you need to ensure you are using an EABI
world, and add the following to your kernel config (if they are not
already there):
device          vfp
options         ARM_VFP_SUPPORT

I would suggest when testing this to libc in a separate directory and
use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load it as bugs in this code can manifest in
strange ways and I have found being able to test against the softfloat
code can help track them down.

I have minimally tested this on a Raspberry Pi but further testing there
would be useful.

 - Update libm to get/set the rounding method correctly
 - Test if it works with < armv6



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