New BeagleBone errors

Brett Wynkoop wynkoop at
Mon Feb 11 09:07:55 UTC 2013


Well I rebuilt with today's head and I now have the most recent cpsw
driver.  The BeagleBone seems more responsive and is running a lower
load average.  My problems may have been related to having one of the
less than stable versions running.  Time will tell.

I am in the middle of a csup on the Pi as well as building some ports.
Once I get a fair number of packages under /usr/ports/packages, which
is on a usb drive, I will put a web server up on the Pi so people can
grab packages.  When the csup is done I will build a current kernel for
the Pi.

I sure wish the Bone had working USB. 



wynkoop at     

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a
woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound

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