Gateworks 2348 any experience with it?

John Hay jhay at
Wed Nov 15 19:42:55 UTC 2006

> This is not John's fault, unfortunately right now the ath hal modules in
> the src directory are compiled using FPA, while FreeBSD is compiled using
> VFP.
> You can use the small application at
> to hack the ELF headers to make the hal binary VFP (it doesn't matter, because
> it doesn't actually use FP).
> Sam should update the hal modules soon.

Ok, I got the kernel compiled with this and then my next step was to
get the kernel in a shape that I can load it, so I tried the "make
trampoline" that was mentioned on the list. That resulted in some
errors because it couldn't find some include files. I ended up
hacking the Makefile a bit until it compiled:

--- ../../../conf/Makefile.arm	Wed Nov 15 07:56:35 2006
+++ Makefile	Wed Nov 15 20:07:23 2006
@@ -77,10 +82,10 @@
 	-g --strip-symbol '$$t' ${FULLKERNEL} ${KERNEL_KO}.tmp
 	eval $$(stat -s ${KERNEL_KO}.tmp) && \
 	echo "#define KERNSIZE $$st_size" >>opt_kernname.h
-	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp \
+	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -I${S} -I/usr/include -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp \
 	$S/$M/$M/elf_trampoline.c $S/$M/$M/inckern.S ${FILES_CPU_FUNC} \
 	-o ${KERNEL_KO}.tramp
-	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp.noheader \
+	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -I${S} -I/usr/include -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp.noheader \
 	$S/$M/$M/elf_trampoline.c $S/$M/$M/inckern.S ${FILES_CPU_FUNC} -o \
 	${OBJCOPY} -S -O binary ${KERNEL_KO}.tramp.noheader \
@@ -93,11 +98,11 @@
 	gzip -9 ${KERNEL_KO}.tmp
 	eval $$(stat -s ${KERNEL_KO}.tmp.gz) && \
 	echo "#define KERNCOMPSIZE $$st_size" >>opt_kernname.h
-	${CC} -O2 -DKZIP -I. -c $S/kern/inflate.c -o inflate-tramp.o
-	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp \
+	${CC} -O2 -DKZIP -I. -I${S} -c $S/kern/inflate.c -o inflate-tramp.o
+	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -I${S} -I/usr/include -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp \
 	-DKZIP $S/$M/$M/elf_trampoline.c inflate-tramp.o $S/$M/$M/inckern.S \
 	${FILES_CPU_FUNC} -o ${KERNEL_KO}.gz.tramp
-	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp.noheader \
+	${CC} -O -nostdlib -I. -I${S} -I/usr/include -Xlinker -T -Xlinker ldscript.$M.tramp.noheader \
 	-DKZIP $S/$M/$M/elf_trampoline.c inflate-tramp.o $S/$M/$M/inckern.S \
 	${FILES_CPU_FUNC} -o ${KERNEL_KO}.tramp.noheader
 	${OBJCOPY} -S -O binary ${KERNEL_KO}.tramp.noheader \

I didn't rewrap the lines, so that it is easier to see what I did.

John Hay -- John.Hay at / jhay at

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