ASLR work into -HEAD ?

Shawn Webb shawn.webb at
Thu May 28 00:00:23 UTC 2015

On Wednesday, 27 May 2015 17:37:06 Warner Losh wrote:
> > On May 27, 2015, at 10:25 AM, Shawn Webb <shawn.webb at>
> > wrote: Good. I'd rather focus on code rather than pointless politics.
> But then…
> > Our patch is more complex due to per-jail support and the various
> > weaknesses FreeBSD wanted us to add. HardenedBSD's implementation does
> > not contain those weaknesses.
> You’ll get more flies with honey than vinegar.
> And FreeBSD didn’t want you to do anything. Certain people wanted certain
> features or changes. Perhaps you could be more specific, since this kind of
> carping is totally unhelpful.

At the FreeBSD Developer Summit at EuroBSDCon 2014, Ed Maste said on behalf of 
the FreeBSD Foundation that he (and by extension, the Foundation) would block 
the ASLR patch from being merged into HEAD if we didn't provide a mechanism 
for disabling ASLR as a non-root user on a per-binary basis.

I begrudgingly committed a first draft of the API on 26 Sep 2014 to our 
upstreaming branch[1]. Further changes were made to clean up the 
implementation a bit within a few days. This rather silly "feature" was 
included in the next patch update to the review on Phabricator.

This, of course, is a vast weakness that can be easily abused. So we've made 
sure not to have this in HardenedBSD. Want to debug an application with ASLR 
turned off? Set the sysctl to turn it off. Or use secadm to disable ASLR for 
that application. Usage of secadm requires root privileges and works on a per-
jail basis, just like our sysctls that control ASLR.


Shawn Webb

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