stale .depend during -HEAD builds?

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at
Mon Jun 22 18:29:22 UTC 2015

Masao Uebayashi <uebayasi at> wrote:
> > If it really is needed the build will fail anyway, but in 90% of cases
> > it is just stale data and the build sails happily on.
> I wish make(1) had a flag, like cc's warning level, that controls
> strictness, and failed when a stale depend is found.

For this case that would force you to have to clean your tree
every time someone moves/renames a header - very tedious.

This particular behavior works very well in conjunction with autodep
(whether via compiler flags like -M or other means) where the content of
.depend actually relects the last build not the one being done.

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