Libxo bugs and fixes.

Phil Shafer phil at
Tue Jan 6 02:28:25 UTC 2015

Adrian Chadd writes:
>... hm, lost in all of that - so does the proposed API change actually
>delineate records somehow?
>(Ie, not having the "close/open tags" bit as a hard-coded new record,
>but a "this is a self contained record, ok, we're going to output
>another one.")
>It will be useful for things that aren't time-series graphs.

Well, it's not that far along yet, but no, there's nothing cooked
into it to make the delinations.  This would be either a callback,
or a set of "well known" protocols, such as NLD-json.  The same
plumbing should be usable for other domains.


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