compatibility layer - workqueues

Orit Moskovich oritm at
Tue May 21 04:56:31 UTC 2013


I'm working on understanding the difference between Linux and FreeBSD interrupt handling.
I looked at the compatibility layer and noticed this:

*         Linux workqueues are implemented using FreeBSD taskqueues (under sys/ofed/include/linux/workqueue.h)

*         In linux, the function schedule_work() puts a job in the kernel global workqueue 'events'. This workqueue consists of worker threads - one per processor

*         The compatibility layer wraps this function to a macro, that implements the functionality using taskqueue_enqueue() and set it to work on taskqueue_thread, that executes its tasks in the context of a kernel thread

*         BUT,  taskqueue_thread is initialized in:

o   sys/kern/subr_taskqueue.c  line 536:

o   which is defined in sys/taskqueue.h line 133
and run taskqueue_start_threads() with only 1 thread, and not MAXCPU

I'll appreciate your help understanding this issue,


Orit Moskovich

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