ASCII Notes from FreeBSD Network Summit at BSDCan

Matthew Story matthewstory at
Sun Jun 3 19:02:02 UTC 2012

gnn asked me to forward these along to arch.  notes are (as) literal a copy
of the whiteboard session as I could work into ASCII

-------------- next part --------------
* mbuf
  -> variable
  -> mtag
  -> offloading
  -> indirection
* l2/l3 split
* ifnet redesign
    -> queue
    -> indirection
    -> dedupe 10G
    -> variable size
* checksum
* IOX roadmap
* netmap
* latency/bw measure
* NIC/Stack load distribution

mbuf problems indirection:
    -> 2 types of mbufs
        -> very small
        -> very large
    -> too much indirection
        -> JeffR patch?
            -> variable-size mbuf patch
                -> anyone own?
                    -> no
                -> you don't have to have indirection
                -> no clusters required
                    -> support for clusters remains,
                       necessary for arch w/o access to all memory
                -> patch is specific, any other concerns?
                    -> IO Vector design, scatter/gather (some sort ok iovec)
                    -> batching?
                        -> sacrifice less indirection in header,
                           for more indirection in meta-data
                        -> or is it just moving the indirection?
                    -> stripping headers
                    -> header at end? 
                    -> size choices
                    -> profiling
                    -> private allocation
                -> anyone own?
                    -> yes, rrs@

What do we want to store in variable mbufs

VLAN ID (etc)
Q in Q in ...
MAC Address
Flow ID + type
802.11 -----> QoS (3b), Age (8b), Seq (18b), view TID (4b), Rate control (16B)
InterfaceID + generation
Firewall Rules 8 - 16B (juniper)
(can't read)
Packet Timestamp (64b)
Local Data (CPU, etc)
Journal of use (trace)
IPSec -> data & reference
Header parse state
MAC labels
VIMAGE? (pointer)
ALTQ tag
-------------- next part --------------
+----------------------+      +--------------------+
| header     point to  +------+> cluster           |
|                  or  +-+    |                    |
+----------------------+ |    |                    |
| data                <+-+    |                    |
|                      |      |                    |
|                      |      +--------------------+
.         |  |         . 
.         |  |         .  proposed solution ...
.        v|vv|v        .
.         vvvv         . 
.          vv          .
. . . . . .... . . . . .

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