[RFC] break out 'statfoo' from wlanstats/athstats into a shared library

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Fri Apr 6 00:17:17 UTC 2012


There's a statistics library which Sam used for a variety of networking tasks:

* wlanstats
* mwlstats
* athstats
* (npestats? What's npe?)

I've fixed some issues in athstats' copy of libstatfoo which I can
port elsewhere. But I can also see scenarios where I'd like to use
this library code in future statistics utilities that I'll write.

What I'd like to do is:

* break out the statfoo from these and create a libstatfoo, that's
built as part of the base system;
* teach wlanstats, mwlstats, athstats to use the system provided copy
of libstatfoo;
* migrate wlanstats out from tools into the base system.

Does anyone have any particular reason not to do this?


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