[PATCH] Add MAXCPU as a kernel config option and quality discussion on this

Peter Wemm peter at wemm.org
Fri Jul 8 17:43:54 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Kostik Belousov <kostikbel at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 05:37:17PM +0200, Attilio Rao wrote:
>> I've made this patch for making MAXCPU a kernel config option:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/~attilio/maxcpu_kernel_opt.diff
>> Besides if this is a good idea or not (which I think it is) I want to
>> discuss this implementation and similar related problems.
>> In this case I've been forced to include opt_maxcpu.h in all the MD
>> param.h implementations. A similar case, KSTACK_PAGES, includes the
>> opt_kstack_pages.h only in the consumers. While this is possible for
>> KSTACK_PAGES, because there are very little consumers, it would be
>> impratical for MAXCPU. Besides, this is a very dangerous practice
>> IMHO: if a consumer fails to add opt_kstack_pages it may end up with a
>> faulty value, introducing a breakage that would go unnoticed.
>> In my case, I think that including opt_maxcpu is a viable panacea, but
>> in general, after discussing with peter@, probabilly the better idea
>> would be having a centralized script that does pre-processing before
>> to start compiling and set with the right values all those constants
>> (something like genassym.c, but of course with a different purpose).
>> What are your ideas on that? Do you think that including opt_maxcpu.h
>> would be acceptable for the time being?
> I vote for putting MAXCPU in opt_global.h.

That isn't right either.

Among other things, it makes the problem for kernel modules even worse
because it makes non-updated 3rd party modules that happen to be
impacted by a MAXCPU change to silently fail by successfully

Part of the problem is that we put default values in include files,
and that those defaults can cause side effects if the correct override
isn't brought in.  Sometimes the defaults are fail-safe, and other
times they're not "safe" at all.

A more correct solution would be something vaguely along these lines:

- remove the #ifndef MAXCPU / #define MAXCPU 32 / #endif from the include files
- put "options MAXCPU=32" into the machine/conf/DEFAULTS files
- put MAXCPU into opt_maxcpu.h
- replace code constructs in include files that will fail with things
that will safely fail:

eg: sys/pcpu.h:
#define PCPU_NAME_LEN (sizeof("CPU ") + sizeof(__XSTRING(MAXCPU) + 1))


#ifdef MAXCPU
#define PCPU_NAME_LEN (sizeof("CPU ") + sizeof(__XSTRING(MAXCPU) + 1))

extern struct pcpu *cpuid_to_pcpu[MAXCPU];
should have been:
extern struct pcpu *cpuid_to_pcpu[];

or amd64/include/intr_machdep.h:
#define INTRCNT_COUNT   (1 + NUM_IO_INTS * 2 + (1 + 7) * MAXCPU)
#ifdef MAXCPU
#define INTRCNT_COUNT   (1 + NUM_IO_INTS * 2 + (1 + 7) * MAXCPU)

and so on.

The idea being that if the requisite opt_maxcpu.h file (or whatever it
ends up in) isn't correctly pulled into scope, then you correctly get
a compile failure.  And if a kernel module somehow depends on the
value of INTRCNT_COUNT, then it will correctly fail to compile unless
specific kld-safety measures are taken care of.

The second point of doing it that way is that you get to have a single
source of truth for values.  If a value can be set in config(8) then
the default value should come from config(8).

The other issue is opt_global.h causes massive multiplication of
compile dependencies.  There really is no need to force a recompile of
if_bge.o or ffs_softdep.o just because somebody changes MAXCPU.
Dependencies are still supported and work - eg, My home machine:
FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #1143: Fri Jun 12 20:34:47 PDT 2011

However, detecting that if_bge.o needed to be recompiled is crucial.
The alternative I suggested above would solve that.

Peter Wemm - peter at wemm.org; peter at FreeBSD.org; peter at yahoo-inc.com; KI6FJV
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