BSDInstall ISO images

Michael Ross michael.ross at
Mon Jan 10 14:44:43 UTC 2011

Am 09.01.2011, 21:12 Uhr, schrieb Nathan Whitehorn  
<nwhitehorn at>:

> I think I've fixed all these problems (and the ones reported by Bruce  
> Cran and Joel Dahl), as well as adding some anti-foot-shooting measures.  
> Here's a new image, hopefully better:
> -Nathan

Much better. Took me ages to find a breaking point.

Create da0s1a /dummy, da0s1b /
Delete da0s1a
Install -> OK
Reboot into installer
Edit da0s1b mount point to /
Install -> OK
Reboot into installer
Edit da0s1b mount point to /
Install -> OK
Reboot into installer
Edit da0s1b mount point to /
Install -> "mount da0s1b: Operation not permitted"

It doesn't always take 3 runs for the error to occur, though.

On two occasions I managed to provoke "da0s1a: Input/Output error",
the partiton editor afterwards showing the partition, but an empty field  
for its size.

I'll try to figure out a reliable way to reproduce these tonight.


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