Unproductive conversations (was: Re: Own VCS (Was: Official git export))

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Tue Aug 30 13:37:32 UTC 2011

On Mon, 29 Aug 2011, Vadim Goncharov wrote:

> No. Completely own BSD-licensed DVCS designed specifically for FreeBSD, 
> allowing partial checkouts and intended to replace SVN in the future :)


I think your post has triggered a number of very productive discussions about 
improving FreeBSD and how to ensure FreeBSD remains relevant.  Unfortunately, 
I think this is not one of them.  The whole world is waiting for a perfect 
revision control system to turn up, but I think the FreeBSD Project isn't the 
place to write it.

Historically, interestingly, it might have been -- cvsup was a tool developed 
in the context of the FreeBSD Project on the basis that we effectively needed 
something as scalable as a DVCS.  It's actually one of the reasons it took us 
so long to switch away from CVS: we made CVS do things no dreamed possibly in 
terms of scalability.

Having made a highly disruptive but ultimately successful switch to 
Subversion, and considered the pros and cons in the classic revision control 
and DCVS spaces in the process, I think we should continue to sit on 
Subversion for the time being.  However, the thrust of my comments earlier in 
this thread about git are about something different: not switching revision 
control systems, or building the ultimate new one, but instead adapting to the 
current status quo -- in a world in which there is no perfect system (and in 
which different desirable features are even mutually exclusive), we need to 
allow people to use the tool that they find easiest and most comfortable. 
Which means supporting a large pool of downstream git users *better* than we 
do today.

With so many areas to focus our attention, I honestly think we're better 
served looking at things like package system architecture, improvements to 
documentation, support for forthcoming hardware designs, etc, then trying to 
build yet another DVCS from scratch in the confines of the FreeBSD Project.


> If you briefly know the git ot hg architecture, then you may notice that
> "commit" references "tree", each subdir points to another "tree", so
> that "tree" is like a directory on a FAT file system: file name directly
> references file data. So only entire repository could be fetched.
> If it will be designed like a Unix file systems, then an "inode" object
> could be separate from "directory", and with a little help partial
> checkouts are now possible (subset of inodes). Git also doesn't handle
> renames natively, and with inodes it should be a trivial change in the
> "directory" file, easily mergeable.
> -- 
> WBR, Vadim Goncharov. ICQ#166852181       mailto:vadim_nuclight at mail.ru
> [Anti-Greenpeace][Sober FreeBSD zealot][http://nuclight.livejournal.com]
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