FreeBSD problems/solutions: to actions
Vadim Goncharov
vadim_nuclight at
Sun Aug 28 22:44:49 UTC 2011
There were many talks about problems, possible solutions, etc.
But these are still talks. Just words with no value.
Ten days ago I've posted a message with some proposals, the subject was
"FreeBSD problems/solutions: voting system & marketing surveys".
``Two times he called to, but silence was the answer. And the last,
third time...''
I could say it my own words, but I'll better quote experts:
| A terribly common error is having a debate over how something should
| be designed, and then *never resolving the debate*. Brian
| Valentine, the lead developer on Windows 2000, was famous for his
| motto "Decisions in 10 minutes or less, or the next one is free."
| In too many programming organizations, every time there's a design
| debate, nobody ever manages to make a *decision*, usually for
| political reasons. So the programmers only work on uncontroversial
| stuff. As time goes on, all the hard decisions are pushed to the
| end. *These are the most likely projects to fail*.
| -- Joel Spolsky
"Please provide an official reply with opinion of the FreeBSD Project",
I've asked.
It doesn't matter if this official opinion is actually backed by a
consensus in developers@ or core@, from whom it originated, etc. What
matters that it is still official (e.g. users see it from one of the
Project's authorities) and contains decisions which later spawn things
like roadmaps.
Don't claim it's impossible - official decisions, followed by everyone
staying in the Project, have occured many times in our history, the most
remarkable was the way for SMP/5.x.
Actions could follow only after decisions, and decision is an equivalent
of choice - even if nothing changes, it is still a choice between change
and status quo, and it must be approved by decision.
The FreeBSD Project's destiny in fact depends only on internal things.
No external circumstances could lead to death of the Project, but only
the lack of right decisions.
And undecisiveness is more harmful than wrong decisions.
This is the third, last appeal I write, because there is nothing more an
individual could say and do. Group efforts are required now, and actions
begin from decisions. Even if there were not enough proposals, still
some actions ("bootstrapping") are required to continue constructive
I could just say now for myself, and wish a little for whose who hear.
Principle is simple: just do what you can. Irreproachability.
E.g. if you didn't try another way of doing things (like sorting ideas
for Foundation, targeted donations) - then just try. The case of
"I tried what I could" vs "I didn't even try 'coz I *thought* it is
no sense" (thoughts are not reality, mistakes occur, checks are needed).
Personally I will return to:
1) writing network-related code
2) writing articles about FreeBSD (popularizing/introductory to e.g. Netgraph)
3) voting system, if this will be accepted by the Project.
I still wait the official answer, may be not to my exact question, but
with at least *some* decisions. This is important for all of us.
That's natural selection: facing to critical problem, decide or die.
WBR, Vadim Goncharov, acting as a carmic imperative in 10th house.
...Abyssus ad Abyssum invocat in voce catarractarum Tuarum.
Responde profunditatibus glacialibus caliginis impellucidae Tuae.
[Anti-Greenpeace][Sober FreeBSD zealot][]
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