[PATCH] Adding shared code support for ia32 and amd64 -- x86 sub-branch

Attilio Rao attilio at freebsd.org
Tue Feb 16 00:10:38 UTC 2010

The following patch:

starts the effort for having a shared sub-tree between amd64 and ia32.
In this initial pass I putted the low-hanging fruits (bios/cpufreq)
and what my customer was more interested in (isa/*) in order to
kick-off the effort and, in the future, move gradually the code there.
With the machine/isa/* cleanup about 10 files are trimmed and I'm sure
more can be achieved easilly.
There are few things to discuss. One, that I had not necessity to dig
about still, is about how to organize headers (include/). Maybe some
replication ala pc98 may be good.

The patch is big but it is mostly added and removed files (look at the
files.X in order to understand better how files movements happened).

Hope to see comments and reviews.


Peace can only be achieved by understanding - A. Einstein

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