Curious about SCM choice

Richard Coleman rcoleman at
Sun Jun 29 03:55:51 UTC 2008

Milo Hyson wrote:
> The only real benefits I saw in distributed systems were private 
> branching and offline work. The former seems like it could be achieved 
> in Subversion by creating semi-private user directories like FreeBSD 
> does. As for the latter, while it's sometimes unavoidable (e.g. working 
> on an airplane) isn't something we really want to encourage.

First of all, I think most of the version control systems had progressed 
to the point where virtually anything was an improvement over CVS.  So I 
was glad to see FreeBSD make the jump and convert to subversion.  It's a 
good system.  So I have no axe to grind there.

The only thing really lacking is a good way to handle local code.  The 
old method of using CVS_LOCAL_BRANCH_NUM is very fragile.  How is 
everyone managing their local code now with the conversion to 
subversion?  This is the only place I miss using hg or bzr.

Richard Coleman
rcoleman at

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