Transport layer congestion control ideas (was Re: Coordinating TCP projects)

Lawrence Stewart lastewart at
Thu Jan 10 17:24:26 PST 2008

Hi Randall,

Comments inline...

Randall Stewart wrote:
> Robert:
> One thing I would like to point out for one of Lawrence's project
> is that SCTP is also hanging around in the kernel and as
> part of one of our URP's (which is also where Lawrence's project
> came from.. if I remember right)... we added "selectable"
> congestion control to SCTP.. well it was not really a URP
> come to think of it.. but what I kept an intern busy doing
> last summer :-)
> Now, the SCTP code DID NOT do kernel loadable CC modules
> like Lawrences... which is cool.. so .. I wonder..
> Would it be possible to take what Lawrence did and generalize
> it so that *ANY* transport could use it.. i.e. both TCP and SCTP.
> This would yeild an interesting advantage in that any time one
> added a CC algorithm all transports would have access to them.

Interesting idea... some thought would be required to figure out how to 
abstract the differences between transports into a generic set of 
information passed to a CC algorithm to do its job. Nothing specific 
comes to me immediately as I'm not familiar enough with the SCTP 
implementation to identify commonalities relevant to CC off the top of 
my head, but I suspect it wouldn't be *that* much work. Would require 
some changes to our current KPI. Not sure what changes to SCTP would be 
involved. Certainly interested to hear/discuss ideas on this to flesh 
out whether it's something worth pursuing.

> Not having looked at the patches yet, what may be missing in
> the TCP code is to select amongst multiple CC algorithms... we
> actually have this down to the SCTP association level.. So I
> can in theory have different associations out of the same
> box using different CC modules...

Our TCP patch currently supports the use of a different CC algo per 
connection (read: per tcb), and allows selection of a system wide 
default CC algo via sysctl (which can be used crudely to change algos 
used by connections at initialisation). Jim and I just finished adding 
the {set|get}sockopt plumbing 2 days ago that allows overriding the 
system default CC algo on a TCP socket (both at initialisation and 
dynamically during use). It'll be in Perforce shortly after a bit more 

As a first step towards streamlining TCP/SCTP CC interactions, I imagine 
it would be straight forward enough to generalise the sockopt plumbing a 
bit more to specifcy a "TRANSPORT_CONGESTION" sockopt instead of the 
currently used "TCP_CONGESTION" and have your SCTP code also respond to 
set/gets of this option on SCTP sockets. Given you already have the 
modular CC capabilities, it should be a minor addition. Happy to send 
you our patch if you want a squiz at it.

> There might be some good ideas we can harvest from both approaches
> and make available to all transports...

Too many cool ideas! :)

Let the good times (and ideas) roll on.

[snip Robert's initial email]


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