Objective-C kernel Development

Bob McIsaac bobmc at fcibroadband.com
Mon Nov 5 19:19:12 PST 2007

Ivan Voras wrote:
> Ben Crowhurst wrote:
>> Has Objective-C ever been concidered for kernel development?
> I haven't done anything in it, but it seems it has some good points:
> native compilation and similarity to C. On the other hand it's not
> nearly as popular and well-known as C++, doesn't have templates and not
> even Apple uses it in kernel (IOKit is in C++).
Higher level languages help application programmers but may
not help kernel developers because different concerns and
constraints apply.  Performance is much more important for
kernel.  The memory-management and bounds checking built
into some languages might hinder the kernel guys who want
precise control over every aspect of kernel execution. Someone
said that with C you can shoot yourself in the foot, but C++
blows your leg off.

Perhaps the skill and motivation of the kernel developer is more
important than the language used.

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