Subversion? (Re: HEADS UP: Importing csup into base)

Steve Kargl sgk at
Sat Mar 4 09:38:06 PST 2006

On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 12:11:24PM -0500, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> 	And, as I recall, at the time, subversion's ability to manage  
> branches in a lightweight fashion was just not there.
> 	How is it now?  If it still cannot compare to Perforce, then it's  
> likely a non-starter.
> 	My employer has a fairly large Perforce installation going, and  
> every now and again, someone rolls out the open source replacement  
> bikeshed, but it runs right into the "can it handle our branched  
> development model?" brick wall and stops, dead.

I don't know how lightweight branches are, but GCC has jumped
from cvs to svn for all its development.

kargl[209] svn ls svn:// | wc -l

The transition occurred in 3 steps: (a) someone step the initial
svn repo; (b) main developed continued in cvs while the svn repo
was made available for testing [ie., kinks worked out].  This
was about a 1 month period; (c) GCC abruptly switch from cvs to
svn on a specific day.  A handy little wiki to get familiar with
svn is


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